Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Obama is in town today to speak at Wright Middle School. I totally spaced this out and assumed I would run some errands today. However, the entire city is on lockdown. There are cops and Men in Black everywhere, which is actually sort of cool. I'm surprised there were no accidents on the Beltline getting home from preschool though with all the gawkers. I am having the worst hair day in the history of hair so I assume this means that I will magically run into the President at some point this afternoon. I'm going to ask him about this if I do. What the fuck? If that isn't another sign that an apocalypse of some sort is nigh, I'm not sure what is.

In rabbit news, I had two bizarro tragedies yesterday. I wonder how often it happens for her, because it happens a lot for me. This time I found a teeny baby on the floor of the barn. Deacon was with me too. Luckily he was playing with the dogs so I could attend to that nasty business before he noticed. Now is not the time to explain the circle of life to him in greater detail than I did with Dante. I had to call her on this one - I had no idea how this would happen. Apparently they can get out through the wire and will just crawl across the floor looking for shelter and freeze. Yay. Depressing. I found another one in it's nest that is now frolicking in Valhalla. I hate that part. I am a fucking ray of sunshine, aren't I? Why am I even writing this? Freak.

I did not get to watch the Wings/Bruins game last night thanks to Versus. I did get to watch the Habs in French though which was highly entertaining. Of course I missed a fun one. I would like to once again point out the fact that Ericsson was not on the ice for this one. That is all.


  1. Jmac,
    I just found my way over here. I like this! I really like it! Your edge is very, very refreshing! The feeling I get from your writing reminds me of my youth spent on the lower east side of Manhattan.

    Anyway, I love the blog and I think I am going to make it a favorite.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you! Glad you found your way over here. Hope things are going well for you!
