Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We're Number 8!

How lame is it to be excited about that? Or to have to cheer for St. Lose? Whatever, I'll take it, even if it's fleeting. Hopefully not, I am wearing my superfly magical Grinch fleece pants today and if they don't work, I will burn them along with a picture of Shane Doan as an offering to the hockey gods.

It's rough man. Rough. This season feels like the playoffs. All season. Or more accurately, game six and seven of last year's SCF. Brutal. I know I shouldn't be bitching because some fans have decades of suck and there have been some bright shining moments. But shit. I have consumed more beer this season than the last three seasons combined (and you know what? It's working, at least in one way, so shut your face).

Tonight we get the return of the beloved Niklas Kronwall who is a key element missing from the defense. Let's hope that it doesn't take him too long to find his way back. Not only for the Wings, but for my fantasy team and sanity.

I don't have much to say other than don't forget to listen to The Obstructed View Episode 7. You do not want to miss Brian's awesome rendition of Man-Tuzzi or George Malik agreeing with me. Also, I would rather not jinx the team, myself, anyone else.

So here's to you Wings. Number 8. Rock on.

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