Thursday, September 25, 2008


Food of the gods. We have eaten tacos for dinner like 30 of the last 90 days. My love for tacos knows no bounds. I'm not talking Taco Bell either, they're good and all but Taco John's is better. I'm talking about homemade tacos. Homemade in that you buy the shells, seasoning, vegetables, cheese, sour cream, meat, and whatever else you want on them. Not the healthiest of foods but not the unhealthiest either. I suppose it all depends on what you put on them. You could do an all veggie taco, or use chicken, turkey, or fish. Although I don't believe in fish tacos. It's kind of like how chicken does not belong anywhere near breakfast. Fish does not belong anywhere near tacos.

According to the very reliable source Wikipedia, tacos were being eaten in Mexico long before the evil conquistadors showed up (although they were made with fish, thus making my last statement very very wrong).

I enjoy watching Rick Bayless on PBS - Mexico: One Plate at a Time. He has made some badass tacos based on his travels throughout the Yucatan Peninsula. I would like to try them. Perhaps if I ever get his cookbook from Paperback Swap I will do just that. I am cheap like that. But I really like the Americanized (read: bastardized) version of the taco.

I will admit that LaBamba makes some wicked awesome tacos. They are very spicy. However they are a franchise so they may have lost some of their authenticity along the way. And they are better known for their burritos as big as your head. Which are also delicious. If you've been drinking heavily all evening.

So here's to you tacos. I think I will eat you now.


  1. I like taco night because that means I might get two servings of tacos that evening.

  2. Tacos rock. I prefer homemade too, though we don't make them often enough. I like making taco salad too, which is totally american. You know, the kind where you take all the taco ingredients except shells and throw it in a bowl with some kind of dressing and then throw in doritos (taco flavor unless you are brave enough to use the spicy nacho flavor). I could eat that stuff every day.

    I'd like to try some different tacos... like those you mention by that guy. that sounds interesting!

  3. Oh Lo Pan. You had to go there.

    How I love you.

  4. mmmmmmmmmmm....TACOS.
